In B.C., we want to help our growing number of seniors live independently in their own homes for as long as possible, to promote a healthy active lifestyle, and provide the best possible care and support when and where people need it. Making sure information and resources about services are readily available for seniors, their families, and caregivers is important to help them make informed decisions about their health.
The BC Seniors’ Guide is a comprehensive tool that can help British Columbians with the information they need as they age. It includes information on provincial and federal programs, with sections on benefits, health, lifestyle, housing, transportation, finances, safety and security and other important services. It is available in English, French, Punjabi, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Farsi. The guide is accessible in book format or online. The BC Elders’ Guide is a similar resource designed for Indigenous, First Nations and Métis older adults. It was created through a partnership between the B.C. Government and the First Nations Health Authority. You can find both the BC Seniors’ Guide and the BC Elders’ Guide online.
We are fortunate in British Columbia to have many incredible services available to help us as we age. The BC Seniors’ Guide can help people discover these resources. It’s important to have this tool as accessible as possible that is why we have had it translated into more languages than ever before. I encourage you to have a copy on hand, electronically or paper, and share it with as many people you can think would benefit from it.
Adrian Dix
Minister of Health
"The older I get, the more clearly I remember things that never happened”. - Mark Twain
As our society ages, we become aware of different issues for ourselves and/or our parents.
Enjoying the company of others.
There are many activity programs available locally through the City West Kelowna Municipal Hall, Parks Boards or Senior Centre’s. These may be what you are looking for from our Municipal Government. Go to Parks and Facilities.
For information about government programs and services, call Service BC.
Representatives are available Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. excluding statutory holidays.
They are available in 140 languages.
Phone: 1 800 663-7867
Office of the Seniors Advocate: 1 877 952 3181
Local office in Kelowna
Office: 305-478 Bernard Ave, Kelowna, BC V1Y 6N7
Phone: (250) 861-7500
Assistance when required
The Provincial Government provides numerous programs and websites to assist with your issues or concerns.
From Lifestyle, Your Health, Housing, Getting Around, Your Finances and Safety including Security, these are the General topics in the BC Seniors Guide. Each topic will have a lot of information to help and assist you.
Some topics have been brought forward to our website for you your convenience .
11th Edition 12th Edition
The BC Seniors’ Guide is available by phone at 1 877-952-3181, at the BC Service office, 305-478 Bernard Ave, Kelowna, BC V1Y 6N7 or online at BC Seniors’ Guide.
The BC Service office in Kelowna has the 11th edition, which is very similar to the 12th edition. The CLCA Directors do have a few English version of the 11th Edition which we would be happy to drop off to anyone requiring one. Also available is a limited number of a "Healthy Eating for Seniors" books. Please contact us at If you would like a copy delivered or click on the Healthy Eating for Seniors link to view.
The following are only Highlights from over 200 categories found in the BC Seniors Guide
Aging well (pg9)
Enjoying life.
HealthLink BC (pg9)
Alzheimer’s Society of BC (pg13)
It’s Never Too Late to Quit Smoking (pg14)
QuitNow (pg14)
Fall Prevention (pg15)
Healthy Communities and Families. (pg18)
Better at Home (pg18) (managed by the United Way of the Lower Mainland)
Immigrant Services (pg22)
Your Health
Interior Health (pg31)
Your Health
is important.
Acute, Home and Community Care Services (pg42)
Home and Community Care (pg44)
Assisted Living (pg47)
Dementia Supports & Services (pg59)
Housing (pg63)
Getting Around (pg73)
HandyDART Service (pg76)
Your Finances (85)
Funding your Retirement (pg87)
Powers of Attorney (pg96)
Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry
Safety and Security (pg97)
Preventing Elder Abuse and Neglect (pg99)
Legal Programs (pg100)
Emergency and Disaster Preparedness. (pg115)
The BC Seniors is available by phone toll free at 1 877-952-3181, at the BC Service office, 305-478 Bernard Ave, Kelowna, BC V1Y 6N7 or on line in the following languages:
English BC Seniors’ Guide
Chinese 卑詩省長者指南
Punjabi ਬੀਸੀ ਸੀਨੀਅਰਜ਼ ਗਾਇਡ
Vietnamese Hướng dẫn dành cho Người Cao niên ở BC
Korean BC주 노인 안내서
Farsi BC راهنمای سالمندان
Hindi BC सीनियस्स गाइड
Tagalog Gabay ng mga Senior sa BC
The BC Service office in Kelowna only has the 11th edition, which is very similar to the 12th edition. The CLCA Directors do have a few English version which we would be happy to drop off to anyone requiring one. Also available is a limited number of a "Healthy Eating for Seniors" books. Please contact us at
The Healthy Eating for Seniors is also available in
English Healthy Eating for Seniors
Chinese 長者健康 飲食
BC Elders' Guide
The First Nations Health Authority and the Ministry of Health worked together to produce the first edition of the BC Elders’ Guide. This unique health and lifestyle resource is based on the BC Seniors’ Guide and is specifically designed for First Nations and Aboriginal Elders.
To obtain a print copy of the BC Elder’s Guide, please contact the First Nations Health Authority at 604-693-6500 or toll free 1-866-913-0033. Is also available on line at BC Elder’s Guide.
Abuse is wrong! Report it.
Abuse and neglect in later life can affect an adult’s health, independence and safety. Older adults may experience different kinds of harm from people they rely on or trust, such as physical, emotional, or financial abuse and neglect. Shoving, hitting, threatening, taking money or property, failing to provide adequate care, and withholding medication, or giving it improperly, are all examples of abuse and neglect. Abuse of older adults can occur at home, in the community or in institutional settings. Those who abuse are most often family members, such as a person’s spouse or children, but they can also include friends and caregivers.
If you think a senior is being abused, taken advantage of, or neglected, and you believe that the senior is in immediate danger, call the police (9-1-1). In cases where there is no imminent danger or you want information about elder abuse and neglect, contact the Seniors Abuse & Information Line (SAIL), or VictimLink BC.
Contact information can be found at the back of the BC Seniors’ Guide.
Many of the phone numbers listed offer TTY (teletypewriter) and language interpretation services.
For information, referrals, and support:
SAIL Seniors Abuse and Information Line
Seniors Abuse & Information Line (SAIL)
Phone: 1 866 437-1940
TTY Toll Free: 1-855-306-1443
VictimLink BC Phone 1 800 563-0808
Phone (Deaf/hard-of-hearing [TTY]): 604 875-0885 (to call collect, please dial the TELUS Relay Service at 7-1-1)
You are not alone.
There are many types of dementia, which in earlier times were inaccurately referred to as "senility." Yet each of these types of dementia have different causes and may damage different parts of the brain.
Alzheimer's disease is the most common form, affecting roughly three-quarters of those with dementia
828 W. 8th Avenue Suite 300
Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 1E2
Phone: 604-681-6530
There are many programs available for those you feel may be getting or has a family member who has Alzheimer’s or any type of dementia. To see what programs are offered, visit Alzheimer Society of B.C
Other types of dementia are located at Other Dementias
Support for dementia, either as a support giver or as an individual going through dementia, is available at Support for Dementia.