Sol-Aqua Terraces (aka Blackmun Bay)

Reference- File No: Z 20-08, 2211 Campbell Road - Sol Aqua Project


The For sale signs were removed. No indication of future plans have been mentioned.

UPDATE SEPT 10, 2024


Further to the sale of the property.





The ALC has made a decision regarding the non-farm use of the orchard.

Landstar has won the right to develop the land. The ALC decision is attached.

The directors of the CLCA along with the residents of Casa Loma and other effected areas, will continue to work on this decision to limit the impact on our environment.


The ACL is reviewing Sol Aqua’s application for non-farm use of the orchard. We are looking forward to a decision in the foreseeable future.


We are still waiting for the results of the ALC’s decision regarding Sol Aqua’s application for non-farm use of the orchard.


Let the ALC know that this proposal is not okay!

The Sol Aqua developer is mid-way through the application process seeking approval to redesignate agricultural lands. The proposal requests construction of a marina, shared roadways, vineyard, a winery with tasting room, paved parking, and recreational slips for the private leisure enjoyment of townhome residents not farmers.

It is the position of the community of Casa Loma that this is a non-farm use application submitted by a development company that has no understanding of farming or how to sustain viable farm land.

The property's current condition demonstrates a blatant disregard for farm land, community or the well being of neighbours. The orchard is overgrown and untended with rodents and pests overrunning the property, fruit and animal carcasses are left to rot on the ground.

This has been the constant condition of the property since the transfer of ownership to Landstar Development resulting in the slow death of a once thriving orchard and community food source. 


We encourage residents to share their opinions on the proposal with the Agricultural Land Commission, the administrative tribunal entrusted to protect and preserve sustainable agricultural land for farming purposes.

Please email your concerns to: and reference Application ID 64060 (Sol Aqua)

For more information please visit their website at

The ALC is mandated under section 6 of the ALC ACT. Principally they are to:

  • Preserve the agricultural land reserve.

  • Encourage farming of land within the agricultural land reserve. Together with other communities of interest.

  • Encourage, enable, and accommodate use of land reserve together with uses that are compatible with agriculture.

The Commission is further mandated to fulfill their purpose to:

Give priority to protecting and enhancing all:

  • Size and Integrity and Continuity of the ALR land base

  • The Use of ALR land for farm use

The application is seeking authorization from the ALC:

Proposing the use of an access lane, as a shared corridor through ALR land that will see the joint use for all sundry activities related to a going concern farming operation and an overlapping use for the access of the zoned 60 unit townhouse development owners to a residential recreational leisure private and exclusive boat moorage and slip facility on Lake Okanagan.


UPDATE May 24, 2022

The CWK council meeting of April 19, 2022, has the details required by Sol Aqua to be able to proceed. The link is attached:

The section of the minute dealing with Sol Aqua is: 8.2 Development Services 8.2.1 Z20-08

UPDATED April 24, 2022

Council highlights of the CWK Regular Meeting Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Sol Aqua development application for 2211 Campbell Road given third reading

The land-use decision to restrict development to 60 units at 2211 Campbell Road of single and multi-family housing was given third reading by Council. For the development to proceed a number of conditions are required through technical and development review, which include: wildfire mitigation, water use bylaws, agreements for transportation and pedestrian improvements on Campbell Road, and second emergency egress. Support was also provided for Agricultural Land Reserve Non-Farm Use for access to a moorage facility and drainage route. 

UPDATED February 25, 2022

Reference- File No: Z 20-08, 2211 Campbell Road - Sol Aqua Project

Hello all,

A big thank you to everyone in Casa Loma, Bridgeview and Lakeview Heights that showed up and spoke, called in, or wrote letters for the Sol Aqua Public Hearing. Whether you presented from a technical perspective, shared your concerns, or spoke from the heart, ALL the presentations and call ins were important. 

We are optimistic that this huge effort by the community to bring common-sense feedback to the City, will result in a positive outcome. More to follow, we will keep everyone posted as we have updates. 

Here are just a few media news releases already published:


Webcast of the Public hearing of February 9, 2022


Thanks for once again, pulling together Casa Loma!


CLCA Board of Directors 

Updates January 24, 2022

This is a notice that the Sol Aqua Public Hearing date is scheduled for:

Wednesday, February 9th at 6:00 PM.  

Where: in Royal LePage Place and Council Chambers at 2760 Cameron Road

What: Sol Aqua Townhomes + Boat Moorage

The CWK is encouraging call-in attendance (format to be detailed in the official notice) but WILL make accommodations for in-person attendance. Presenters will be given the option to speak directly, in person, to City Council, but with the general seating area separate from City Council.


The City of West Kelowna, regarding Sol Aqua's proposed development, will be holding a Public Hearing in the next few weeks. We will advise you once the date has been confirmed.

The West Kelowna community of Casa Loma is concerned with the smoke and mirror approach taken by Landstar Development Corporation regarding the Sol Aqua Development and marina proposal heading to Council for approval in a public hearing scheduled on February 9, 2022. 

January 17, 2022 (West Kelowna, B.C.) – Just over two years ago, what began as a proposal for a 14 story 750- unit development with 242 boat marina dubbed Blackmun Bay was denied by Council after close to 500 concerned citizens arrived at the public hearing to share their concerns regarding public safety, environment issues, and the decimation of agricultural land.

Since that day the project has resurfaced in several iterations, none of which improve public safety, the environment or preserve agricultural land in what the developer calls a Win – Win for West Kelowna. 

Landstar is testing the waters and public patience in a marathon of planning revisions floated about in an attempt to land on a more palpable version of the development to present West Kelowna City Council.  

Creating smoke screens to distract people from the redesignation of agricultural land and wildlife corridors is a common and sometimes effective public relations tactic that has nothing to do with building good relations with the public. An elite townhouse development and private marina with club-style wine tasting room are not more desirable than protecting agricultural and sensitive landscapes and a critical wildlife corridor.  

It is not an unusual move for developers looking to break the rules to spin a win despite the sentiments of the greater community. The Calgary-based builder has done an excellent job of avoiding conversation around the increased burden to a two-lane road that provides the only access and escape route for members of Casa Loma. 

This conversation is not about NIMBY or access to a good glass of wine; it's about Campbell Road, existing rules regulating agricultural use, and public safety. The road cannot evacuate the current number of residents who rely on it as their only connection to Highway 97. Add in the 110 residences currently under construction, proposed complexes, and marina expansion on West Bank First Nation and we are a catastrophe waiting to happen. 

With traffic from Campbell flowing on and off of Bennett Bridge, this is not a win for residents of West Kelowna already facing long commutes and traffic delays trying to cross the lake.

"Have we learned nothing from recent events that have seen entire towns destroyed by fire, major roads shut down to flooding, and the damage caused by inappropriate development of lands?" asks Ryan Holt, President of the Casa Loma Community Association. 

West Kelowna Council has already given third reading approval to two separate development projects that would add 47 homes and 20 townhomes in piecemeal approvals made without consideration of the combined impact of development on West Bank First Nation lands. The proposed 549-boat slip expansion to the Shelter Bay Marina and five-story condominium development on Westbank First Nations Lands along Campbell Road will further compromise the community's safety by bottle-necking traffic at the Bridge. 

A survey of Casa Loma residents confirms that the community is losing patience with developers looking to break the rules created to preserve agricultural lands, sensitive waterways, and the wellbeing of the people who call West Kelowna home. Other neighborhoods and organizations are weighing in, also exacerbated with having to defend the West Kelowna Official Community Plan against proposals that put communities, sensitive green space, and agricultural land at risk.

To the residents of Casa Loma and West Kelowna, if you have a thought or idea you would like to share with the Casa Loma Community Association please use our contact page. We would be happy to hear from you.


Updated December 11, 2021 

Sol Aqua, 2nd Reading:  West Kelowna File #Z 20-08, 2211 Campbell Road, the former Blackmun Bay project, now called Sol Aqua, is headed to 2nd reading and on City Council agenda for Tuesday, Dec 14th.  

Although significantly downsized from the original proposal, the CLCA board will stay in close contact with City Council, CAO, and Development Services to ensure the community's concerns are heard and addressed.

NOTE: Development Services is suggesting a 2nd Motion which would provide Council the opportunity to postpone ruling on boat slips until a later date. ALC (Agricultural Land Commission) staff have already indicated that "dock and access referenced in Bylaw No. 0154.97 are not a permitted use in in the ALR, and the ALC cannot endorse the bylaw as written"

The details of the Council Report can be read at the following link:

Updated November 10, 2021 


The CLCA Directors would like to thank the Casa Loma Community for their support. The email was sent out to 279 individuals living in Casa and the response rate was 67%.

The Highlights include

  • 72.7% oppose any development while 19.7% support a 45 unit development and 7.6% a 60 unit development

  • 83.6% oppose the boat slips

  • 85.4% support the covenants

A copy of this survey has been sent to the West Kelowna Development Services and the developer; however, we are not forwarding this to Mayor and Council, at this time, as we recognize that changes can be made between 1st and 2nd Reading.

The complete survey results can be viewed on following link.

Sol Aqua Survey - Results

Comments from the Sol Aqua survey

Previous Update October 10, 2021


Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 6:00 P.M.



Summary of the approval:

 Council approved first reading to the revised Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw and to the zoning amendments to consider up to 60 town-homes and permit a corresponding moorage facility to a maximum of 60 slips. Council denied the proposed 242-slip marina.  Access to the marina would be permitted through ALR lands but Council indicated there would not be any non-ALR related parking structures allowable on ALR lands.  Additionally, there would be a recommendation for a covenant to restrict future subdivision to ensure the moorage would be permanently fixed to the upland residential parcel. 

The following is excerpts from the above CWK Council meeting minutes:   

8.2.11. . 

·        Z 20-08, OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaws (1st Reading), 2211Campbell Road  



THAT Council give first reading to a revised City of West Kelowna Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 0100.62, 2021 (File: Z 20-08); and  

THAT Council give first reading to City of West Kelowna Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 0154.96, 2021 (File: Z 20-08); and 

 THAT Council give first reading to City of West Kelowna Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 0154.97, 2021 (File: Z 20-08); and 

 THAT Council direct staff to schedule the bylaws for consideration of second reading following submission of the following items to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services: 

 ·        Water and Sanitary Modelling; 

·        Revised Transportation Review; 

·        Revised Functional Servicing Report; 

·        Revised Geotechnical Report; 

·        Updated and Consolidated Environmental Report; 

·        Submission of outstanding referral comments 

City staff will be working with the applicant on required reports for water, sewer, transportation, geotechnical, environmental and functional servicing. 


Complete minutes of the August 24, 2021, Council meeting is linked at:  

Archive/Historical Info:

Sol-Aqua Terraces (aka Blackmun Bay) - Update as of October 1, 2020

City Council voted 6-1 against proceeding with this development in 2019; however, a new application for Blackmun Bay (now called Sol-Aqua Terraces) was submitted to the City of West Kelowna Development Services on September 9, 2020.

In brief, the new proposal calls for a maximum of 150 units (townhouses and condos). There are no plans for a hotel but there are 8 levels proposed, and the marina proposal remains unchanged at 241 boat slips. To get a better understanding of what the proposal would look like click on the PDF file called "Sol Aqua Land Architectural and Design and Visual Impact."

This proposal still needs to be reviewed by Development Services, who in turn, will present its recommended direction (support/not support) at a future Council Meeting. Your CLCA Directors will keep you updated on any new news regarding this development.

This is once again a major proposal that would have a significant impact on both Casa Loma and West Kelowna. Please take the time to learn more about this revised development.  



NOTICE: Blackmun Bay on City Council Agenda Tuesday November 12th @ 1:30PM - West Kelowna City Hall

West Kelowna City Council will be making a decision on the potential third reading of the proposed Blackmun Bay Development, on the Tuesday, November 12 Council Agenda starting at 1:30 PM; the Blackmun Bay discussion is expected to start around 2:00PM. Location is: 2760 Cameron Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 2T6

The meeting is open to the public, but space in Council Chambers is limited. No opportunity to speak is available as the public hearing process is now closed. If you want to view online go to, which will begin at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday Nov 12th.


NOTICE: THE Public Hearing for the proposed Blackmun Bay development is October 23, 2019 at 6:00 PM at Lion’s Hall, 2466 Main Street West Kelowna. Please attend!


Blackmun Bay Public Hearing Oct 23-  What You Need To Know.jpg

Blackmun Bay

Background: The highest density project in West Kelowna history, is being proposed adjacent to communities along Campbell Road.

Casa Loma has only a single entry/exit rural road infrastructure. Many in the Casa Loma (and general West Kelowna community) are concerned about fire safety, density, traffic in the community, traffic on the bridge, water issues, environmental destruction, and incompatibility with the rest of the lower-density Official Community Plan. In addition, there is a large marina and commercial area being proposed on and around the ALR land that is currently a productive peach and apricot orchard.

UPDATE: Blackmun Bay passes 2nd Reading by narrow 4-3 vote, rookie councilors vote move to Public Hearing

January 17, 2019: OPEN HOUSES ANNOUNCED BY DEVELOPER- various dates available to provide your feedback directly to the developer. Click here for available date options and instructions: Feb 5, Feb 7, Feb 15, Feb 16

Blackmun Bay- Spring 2018 Updated Rendering.JPG

Summary (final specifications TBD)

Maximum Building Height: 9 storeys

Density: 500+ units

Parking: 18 surface parking stalls, 776 underground parking stalls

Marina: 241 boat slips

City Council Readings- Brief History:

  • June 26, 2018: Council gave First Reading to the proposed Blackmun Bay high-density development and decided that it be taken directly to Public Hearing tentatively in February, 2019.  This was an extraordinary outcome as projects of this nature would normally go to Second Reading prior to a Public Hearing (indicating the contentious nature of this project and the need for the City Council to gather much more community feedback at the Public Hearing). 

  • January 8th, 2019: the developer requested the above decision be reversed. The timing of next steps will be posted here as soon as they are available, as per update below from the City of West Kelowna.

There will not be a public hearing on February 6th for File: Z 17-07 (Blackmun Bay).  The City will be working with the applicant based on Council direction in preparation of consideration of second reading.  The timing of next steps is not known yet.
— City Of West Kelowna

information & Articles

Staff’s original recommendation outlined in the January 8, 2019 Council Report, found in this detailed information package:

Link to January 8th Council meeting highlights: CWK Council Highlights 08-JAN-19

Link to article in the Daily Courier:

Link to article on Castanet:

Click here to see the City of West Kelowna Council meeting, and go to Item 6.1 for Blackmun Bay


We are pleased to share the results of the community survey, that was conducted in August-September, with regards to the proposed Blackmun Bay development.   We thank all those who participated in this survey; these results will also be shared with the West Kelowna City Council, as well as the developer.

SURVEY SUMMARY: Blackmun Bay- Casa Loma Community Survey

SURVEY COMMENTS: Blackmun Bay- Casa Loma Community COMMENTS

Links & Other info

Webcast of council meeting Item 6.1 for Blackmun Bay

Link to: Blackmun Bay- Jan 8, 2019 City of West Kelowna Summary Report

Webcast of June 26 council meeting (click on Item #9.1.1)


If you oppose the Blackmun Bay development, there is a NEW petition for West Kelowna residents posted here:

Whether you are for, or against, the development, please be prepared to speak at the Public Hearing, and/or write letters to your City Council. The CLCA will update you on timing of the Public Hearing and any other news as it becomes available on this web page.

Historical News