April 1, 2024
NOTICE OF AN APPLICATION BY: Casa Loma Water Utilities Ltd.
Notice is hereby given that Casa Loma Water Utilities Ltd. has made an application to the Deputy Comptroller of
Water Rights for his consent to the filing under the provisions of the Water Utility Act and the Utilities Commission
Act of rates and charges for service.
A summary of the proposed rates is as follows:
July 1 July 1 July 1
Current 2024 2025 2026
Domestic Rates (Per Month/Billed 1/4) $56 $65 $68 $72
Commercial Rate (Per Month/Billed 1/4) $1,309 $1,505 $1,595 $1,691
Seasonal/Parks (Per Year/Billed Ann.) $404 $465 $493 $523
Turn-On Fee $80 $80 $80 $80
The reasons for these proposed increases are so that the utility can meet its operating expenses for the next three years. 25% of all revenues are contributed to a Replacement Reserve Trust Fund held in trust by The Deputy Comptroller of Water Rights. The utility currently has a healthy reserve so it is proposed that the current contribution rate of 30% be reduced to 25%.
A copy of this application is available for public inspection at: 2095 KLO Road, Kelowna, B.C.
Any person wishing further information in connection with the proposed rates or reasons for the proposed changes should write to:
Casa Loma Water Utilities Ltd. 2095 K.L.O. Road, Kelowna, B.C. V1W 2H9
Phone: (250) 860-3669 or Fax: (250) 860-1317
By direction of the Deputy Comptroller of Water Rights, comments on the application are to be forwarded to:
Chris McMillan, Secretary to the Deputy Comptroller of Water Rights, PO Box 9340 STN PROV GOVT, Victoria, BC V8W 9M1, or by email or by fax250-953-5124 to be in his hands on or before April 30, 2024,with a copy to Casa Loma Water Utilities Ltd. As all submissions may be included as evidence, please ensure that a
copy is provided to the Utility. Information on public hearing process can be found at:
To all Casa Loma Water Utilities users, there will be a notice enclosed with their April 1/24 billing.
updated April 1, 2024
Friends of Kalamoir members,
Subject: RE: Guided tour in Kalamoir Saturday April 27 - Response Required. (FULL)
Hello Friends of Kalamoir members,
There are many programs coming up at Kalamoir Regional Park in the next couple of months. Here is a comprehensive list of Friends of Kalamoir and Regional Parks events:
** Friends of Kalamoir - Fire Fuel Mitigation – Saturday April 20th from 10am – 12pm
** Spring Flowers Hike – Kalamoir Regional Park – Sunday April 21st from 10am – 11:30am OR 12:30pm – 2pm
** Discover your Parks – Kalamoir Regional Park – Saturday April 27th from 10am – 12pm
** Nature Journaling at Kalamoir Regional Park – 3 dates available – Wed May 1st, OR Thurs May 16, OR Thurs May 30 from 2pm - 3pm
** Friends of Kalamoir – Pancake Breakfast Saturday June 8th from 9am – 10:30am
Please register for all the programs, except the Pancake Breakfast, here.
Some of the programs are near full registration, but please sign up on the wait list as there are often cancellations.The Arrowleaf Balsamroot are already in bloom in the park. The attached picture is from Sunday March 24th.
Please let me know if you have any questions, and please feel free to share this information.
James Chester
Parks Partnership Liaison
Have Your Say on the Future of Kalamoir Park
The Regional District of Central Okanagan is creating a new plan to guide the management of Kalamoir Regional Park over the next 20 years with the focus on:
- Trail and parking improvements
- Promoting wildlife habitat conservation
- Enhancement of neighbourhood access
- Signs such as park boundaries, directional and cultural/environmental information
Now is the time to provide your feedback on the new management plan concepts and the future of the 27.6-hectare waterfront park. There are two ways to do this.
The first is to visit to view the Sunnyside and Water Front trail concepts and parking plan. Please share your thoughts on the new planning concepts for the Park. The Regional District is accepting comments until April 29.
The second opportunity is on Sunday, April 16 from 10 am to 2 pm to visit the Park, view the draft design concepts and provide comments. Staff will be located just north of the Collens Hill Road waterfront parking area.
On Behalf of the Friends of Kalamoir Park
Mark Sunderland - President
250 826-7529
A big THANK YOU goes out to two neighbours of the Casa Loma boat launch. Owen and Scott. In September, they spearheaded a discussion with the new West Kelowna Parks Manager, Mark Roberts which has resulted in a clean up of the boat launch area.
Included in the general clean up, a garbage can has been added and the speed bump has been moved. There will also be new and hopefully less signage coming in the future.
Thank you too Mr. Roberts, for your quick attention to our issue.
Good News for all the residents of West Kelowna.
The lights, installed by Bell Media in November 2021 near Benvoulin Rd and Casorso Rd., were set to comply with Transport Canada’s Standard 621 - Obstruction Marking and Lighting - Canadian Aviation Regulations (CAR621).
The red blinking lights have ever since been a nightly eye soar to residents of West Kelowna.
The Casa Loma Community Association has been working with West Kelowna Mayor Gord Milsom and the Council along with our MLA Dan Albas to reduce the visual pollution. Bell Media has been approved to reduce the intensity of the lights by 90% and still be in the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CAR621). The reduction of the lights should be completed today.
Good job to all involved!
UPDATED MAY 12, 2022
The Casa Loma Dock Park Upgrades have been completed. Just in time for the sun to come out and warm the lake for swimming.
And a great place from a coffee in the morning with a book, picnic at noon with kids or a dinner away from the house. Walk or bike down, it is for all of us to enjoy
Well done CWK.
UPDATED April 24, 2022
Earth Day
A very successful Earth Day cleanup yesterday. There were adults and children attending from Casa Loma and from Shelter Bay development. A ton of garbage was hauled off Campbell Road and from Casa Palmero walkway.
UPDATED March 27, 2022
The City has started the upgrade to Casa Loma Dock Park.
Updated December 11 , 2021
*** Important notice of temporary Park Closure
Casa Loma Dock Park Upgrades: the beach/dock will be closed to the public as early as Monday, December 13th to allow site preparation work to begin. This closure is expected to be in place throughout the winter and early spring due to the extent of the work required. Good news!
Updated November 1 , 2021
Dock Beach Improvements: A big thank you to the City of West Kelowna for the already-improved dock.
Casa Loma Dock Park, 2717 Casa Loma Rd.
The Casa Loma Dock Playground construction is expected to begin later this month and will complete in the spring.
Please keep in mind this schedule is dependent on favourable weather conditions.
October 30, 2021
We have received from the City of West Kelowna, a final design drawing. CWK has put the project out for pricing and will start the project once this process has been completed. Click here for the plan drawing: Casa Loma Dock Beach Design
The park’s flat access to the shoreline and a central location within the Casa Loma neighbourhood makes it a natural waterfront amenity for swimming, sunbathing, picnicking and walking. A public feedback session was held on Thursday, August 5th to improve access, encourage multi-season use and enhance park amenities and comfort. With your input, a park concept was designed to meet these and other community objectives.
Composting has had a number of inquiries from homeowners asking where they can get composters. The Regional District of Central Okanagan is responsible for our composting needs. Their website below has information on how to backyard compost and the different type of composting that can be done.
There are also links to purchasing composters and rain barrels. Generally, they are available only in the early spring.
What a great day of hard work and cooperation!
A great turn out by so many of the Casa Loma community joined together to move a few tons of mulch onto the south side of Rio Park. It was hard work with good companionship shared.
A lot of new friendships were made that day.
Historical Projects (Completed)
481 Casa Rio Drive Park & Lift Station Upgrades
The new playground will go inside that border (shown in yellow area below closest to street). The two kiosks on the lower part of the park are part of the lift station (shown in blue area below). New bollards are planned to replace the old bollards to keep motorized vehicles from entering the park.
Intended future use of lift stations: The lift station is servicing the existing lots on the downhill side of Casa Rio Drive, along with one property accessed from Zdralek Cove. The lift station is not intended to be used for any future development.
Original view
Planned map
Proposed playground (front view)
Proposed playground (back view)