Work on upgrading the existing Casa Palmero Park path to a Multi-use Pathway in Casa Loma Area in West Kelowna has started.
The completion is scheduled for May, 2024.
This pre-construction update provides details on:
• Project scope
• Construction schedule
• What to expect during construction
• Using the multi-use pathway after construction
• Contact information
• Staying connected
• Project area map
The purpose of this project is to upgrade the existing path in Casa Palmero Park between Casa Palmero Drive and Lakeview Road into a purpose-built multi-use pathway. As part of the City’s continued investments in active transportation, upgrading the existing path improves the access, slope and safety for pedestrians and cyclists, particularly keeping users off main arterial roadways when connecting through the Casa Loma area and to other multi-use pathways and parks in the City. Further, when required, the multi-use pathway will also be used for light passenger vehicle (e.g. cars, light truck) egress out of the Casa Loma area when emergency evacuation is required (e.g. wildfire).
A 3.5-metre-wide, by 500-metre-long asphalt and crushed gravel path will be constructed between Casa Palmero Drive and Lakeview Road. The multi-use pathway will generally follow an existing path that will be upgraded to create a more gradual climb, provide more active transportation mobility and increase connectivity. Removable bollards will be installed to ensure its primary use as a multi-use pathway.
During construction, and for safety reasons, the contractor must temporarily restrict public access to Casa Palmero Park during construction due to site limitations and construction staging. During construction, please use Kalamoir Regional Park’s recreational amenities, with access via Benedick Road.
Construction is scheduled to begin in November and continue through April 2024, which generally includes:
• Mobilization, site preparation and perimeter safety fence installation
• A small section of watermain pipe installation in the existing walkway near the south end of the project area
• Vegetation removal and retaining wall construction
• Site grading and sub-base activity, gravel and asphalt pathway installations
• Bollard installation and completion of road tie-ins
• Hydroseeding and area cleanup
The construction schedule may be subject to change with inclement weather conditions, contractor schedule changes and other factors.
Construction results in temporary inconveniences such as noise, dust, dirt, vibration, and crew and equipment movement. When working in winter conditions, and only if necessary, work outside of typical construction hours may be required by the contractor on a temporary basis, once approved by the City. Property owner driveway access will be maintained with only minor interruptions for moving crews and equipment.
The existing path will be temporarily closed during construction, which has been scheduled in the winter months to minimize the temporary inconvenience of construction.
A small section of new watermain pipe will be installed in the pathway at the north end of Lakeview Road area. When the new section of watermain is connected to the existing watermain, scheduled for early-to-mid December, there will be a planned water outage affecting several properties in the Casa Loma neighbourhood that are on the City’s water system. This work is expected to be completed within one day and residents will be given prior notice of this planned outage.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while crews complete this work.
The primary use of the multi-use pathway is for active transportation, such as walking, hiking and cycling. Constructing a purpose-built multi-use pathway will now provide a more gradual climb for pedestrians and cyclists, and will assist with organized emergency egress when required (e.g. when a wildfire Evacuation Order is issued).
About Emergency Egress Use
Should neighbourhood evacuation be required in an emergency, and under the direction of emergency services personnel, the Casa Loma community will use the multi-use pathway (e.g. for light passenger vehicles), or use arterial roadways (e.g. for large RV’s and trucks with trailers).
As the new multi-use pathway is being built, the existing operational Casa Loma Emergency Evacuation Plan is being updated to include the function of how and when it will be used during an evacuation. Following the completion of the project and prior to the 2024 summer months, neighbourhood evacuation and traffic management planning will be shared with local residents so please stay connected with us to learn more.
Multi-use Pathway
If, for example, an Evacuation Order is issued by emergency officials for a wildfire, bollards would be removed along the multi-use pathway to provide light passenger vehicle egress out of the Casa Loma neighbourhood. Drivers of light passenger vehicles, such as cars, SUVs and light trucks, would be directed by emergency service personnel to use the multi-use pathway or use Campbell Road as the main arterial roadway out of the Casa Loma neighbourhood.
Arterial Roadways
Wide heavy duty trucks, RV’s, utility trailers (e.g. boat, livestock), and other large motor vehicles will always use Campbell Road as the main arterial roadway out of the neighbourhood and will not use the multi-use pathway.
If you have questions about the project, please contact us:
• City of West Kelowna: Stacey Harding, Fleet Operations and Projects Manager Phone: 778-797-8808; email: stacey.harding@westkelownacity.ca
• Project Contractor - R&L Construction Ltd.: Felix Menu, General Manager Phone: 778-212-3004; email: info@rl.construction
• Visit the project webpage at OurWK.ca/casaloma
• Sign up at westkelownacity.ca/subscribe to receive project updates directly to your inbox
• Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X
Casa Loma Multi-use Path Map
A copy of the map can also be found at OurWK.ca/casaloma
West Kelowna council agree to proceed with emergency exit from Casa Loma
The emergency egress was approved by the City of West Kelowna at the Council Meeting of May 9, 2023. It was carried unanimously.
The route will start at the north end of Casa Palmero up to Lakeview Road. Following closely to the existing pathway through Casa Palmero Park.
West Kelowna council agree to proceed with emergency exit from Casa Loma
Yes to emergency exit
Photo: City of West Kelowna
West Kelowna is proceeding with plans for a second emergency exit out of the Casa Loma neighbourhood.
The neighbourhood along Okanagan Lake just south of the William R. Bennett Bridge is presently hampered with only one way in and out along Campbell Road.
It has long been a concern of residents concerned about evacuating during an emergency.
Council unanimously agreed Tuesday to spend the money necessary to widen and upgrade an existing multi-use path winding from the top of Casa Palmero Drive and connecting with Lakeview Road in Lakeview Heights.
"I appreciate the need and necessity, but I think we can all agree this is not the final solution," said Councilor Rick de Jong.
"It's a good first step but we still have challenges to find additional egresses."
The item was first presented during budget deliberations, however de Jong was concerned at the time as to where the money would come from.
Staff have indicated the nearly $1 million estimated for the project would come from the city's infrastructure reserve with about 16 per cent of the cost coming from developers of the Sol Aqua project.
Chief financial officer Warren Everton says the infrastructure reserve will have about $1.85 million in the account by the end of the year.
Parks manager Stacey Harding says the city has put a lot of work on the grades, specifically the steeper patches at either end.
Those will be paved while the centre section where the grade is less than 10 per cent will be a three-and-a-half metre compacted gravel path. The route will be accessible by passenger vehicles, but not vehicles with wider wheelbases such as RV’s and boats.
The City of West Kelowna hopes to begin construction of the 2nd egress by early August and finish by the end of October.