JULY 2024
The new Emergency Egress is open.
The path in Casa Palmero Park between Casa Palmero Drive and Lakeview Road into a purpose-built multi-use pathway.
Upgrading the existing path improves the access, slope and safety for pedestrians and cyclists, particularly keeping users off main arterial roadways when connecting through the Casa Loma area and to other multi-use pathways and parks in the City. Further, when required, the multi-use pathway can be used for light passenger vehicle (e.g. cars, light truck) egress out of the Casa Loma area when emergency evacuation is required (e.g. wildfire). There was a dry run of the egress for emergency use. The trial run was a success.
In a case of emergency, the primary egress route is Campbell Road. If it is compromised, the secondary route is at the top of Lucinde Rd and Casa Palmero Dr. See map attached.
This is a route we hope we never have to use.
Evacuation Routes